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When and where is the competition held?

The 2025 Zarcillo International Wine Awardswill be held in Ávila (Castilla y León) from 27th to 29th May 2025. The awards ceremony will take place in Segovia.

When and where can I register for the competition?

You can register for the next edition of the competition between 10th March 2025 and 16th May 2025 in the “Registration” section on our website.

What information do I need to provide for each wine on the registration form?

Each participant must fill in the corresponding Entry Form, which must contain at least the following information:

  • Participant identification.
  • Country of origin and country where the product was vinified and processed.
  • Product category according to the classification in Annex A, (pursuant to OIV International Wine Comeptition Regulations).
  • Brief physicochemical description indicating sugar content (g/l) and acquired alcoholic strength (% vol).
  • Grape varieties and percentages.
  • Vintage (at least 85% must correspond to the vintage indicated). If the wine is a blend of several vintages, this must be indicated.
  • Cellar stocks of the wine corresponding to the registered sample.
What is the deadline for sending samples?

Samples of the wines entered for the Zarcillo International Wine Awards may be sent from 10th March 2025 until 2 p.m. on 20th May 2025 to the address indicated by the competition organisers.

What documents have to be enclosed with the samples?

The samples entered in the competition must be accompanied by an envelope containing the necessary document for each sample, namely the Registration Form for each wine entered, and must be enclosed in the same package as the bottles.

In addition, the Registration Form must be sent by email to the Competition’s Technical Secretariat, no later than 16th May 2025.

What happens if the samples arrive late or damaged?

Samples received after 2 p.m. on 20 May 2025 shall not be entitled to participate in the 2025 Zarcillo International Wine Awards and may be returned to their place of origin, at the participant’s expense, within 30 days after the competition has been held.

How much is the competition entry fee?


Who are the competition organisers?

The Zarcillo International Wine Awards are organised by the Castilla y León Institute of Agricultural Technology, which is under the Junta de Castilla y León’s Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development.

The competition is sponsored by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) and is a member of the World Federation of Major International Wine and Spirits Competitions (VINOFED).

What are the competition categories?

The samples entered for the 2025 Zarcillo International Wine Awards will be classified according to eight (8) main categories:

  1. White wines.
  2. Rosé wines.
  3. Red wines.
  4. Petillant wines.
  5. Sparkling wines, cava and champagne.
  6. Fortified wines.
  7. Other sweet wines.
  8. Aromatic variety wines.

Each of these categories is subdivided into groups and subgroups, depending whether the wines are protected by a geographical indication of quality (PDO/PGI or equivalent indication), as well as the vintage, ageing in wood, production method or other specific characteristics.

As for the sparkling wines, petillant wines and fortified wines, the definitions included in EU regulations apply and are listed as appropriated at the end of each category.

The various groups and subgroups of each category are listed in our Regulations, which can be consulted here.

How many wines can I enter in the competition?

There is no limit to the number of samples that participating companies can enter, and you may therefore submit as many references as you wish.

Where should the samples of the registered wines be sent?

Samples of the wines submitted for the competition must be sent to the following address:

TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT. 2025 ZARCILLO INTERNATIONAL WINE AWARDS Estación Enológica de Castilla y León Calle Santísimo Cristo 16, 47490 Rueda. Valladolid, SPAIN.

Samples must be sent with the shipping, delivery and customs formalities paid in full.

How many bottles of each registered sample should be sent?

For each wine sample, participants must send four (4) 0.75 l bottles (or three (3) 1.5 l bottles), correctly sealed and labelled, to the address indicated by the competition organisers.

Can I enter wines that have previously participated in other competitions or in previous editions of the Zarcillo International Wine Awards?

Yes, you may enter wines that have previously participated in other industry competitions or previous editions of the Zarcillo International Wine Awards.

When will the competition results be announced?

The list of 2025 Zarcillo International Wine Award winners will be announced in the days following the tastings; the date and venue of the awards ceremony for the 2025 edition will also be announced at the same time.

What criteria will the competition judges base their decision on?

The OIV-UIOE score sheet and applicable regulations shall be used to judge the wines entered in the 2025 Zarcillo International Wine Awards.

What distinctions are given at the Zarcillo International Wine Awards 2025 and what are the scores for each?

The distinctions to be given at the 2025 Zarcillo International Wine Awards are as follows:

  • Grand Gold Zarcillo: Between 93 and 100 points.
  • Gold Zarcillo: Between 89 and 92 points.
  • Silver Zarcillo: Between 85 and 88 points.
What is the maximum number of awards that may be granted at the 2025 Zarcillo International Wine Awards?

The total number of awards must not exceed 30 % of the number of samples entered in the competition. To guarantee compliance with this rule, a computer program will make the necessary calculations. As proof of each award, the Junta de Castilla y León will issue a diploma, which will include the identification of the wine sample and its producer.

What is the maximum number of awards per category that may be granted at the Zarcillo International Wine Awards 2025?

The maximum percentage of awards for the various award categories at the 2025 Zarcillo International Wine Awards is as follows:

  • Grand Gold Zarcillo: 5%.
  • Gold Zarcillo: 12%.
  • Silver Zarcillo: 13%.

When the number of awards in a category fails to meet the maximum percentage, the remaining percentage may be added to the next category.

How is anonymity guaranteed during the tasting of the samples entered in the competition?

The bottles will be presented before the 2025 Zarcillo International Wine Awards’ tasting panel in packaging that disguises their details and prevents the identification of any labelling information. The original stoppers should not be presented before the jury to prevent the sample from being identified.

Who are the members of the judging panel?

The competition’s technical management will decide on the number of judging panel, and appoint the members and chairs of each one. To this end, it will request the OIV and VINOFED to provide a list of experts from the various countries. The number of panel members will be determined in accordance with the number of samples entered and the wine categories.

Each tasting panel will be made up of five experts in sensory analysis. They will include at least three members from countries other than that of the organizer, and another preferably from a consumer country. Should the organizers consider it necessary, the number of panel members may be increased to seven.

The panel members are appointed in a personal capacity, and may therefore only be replaced by the Awards’ technical management.

More questions?

Contact our team and they will help you with whatever you need.

Do you want your wine to get the international recognition it deserves?

Participate in the Zarcillo International Wine Awards and make your wines known internationally.
